Laura Nance has been working with families as a doula and educator for over 20 years. In 2014 her interest in the pelvic floor and core during the perinatal period became a passion for her and she dove into further training and certification to further support the families she works with.

Pelvic floor dysfunction and long-term diastasis recti have commonly been written off as something that just goes hand in hand with having a baby and you just have to deal with it. This, however, is incorrect information and leads to a lack of confidence,  physically and emotionally, well into the years of parenthood and beyond. Doulas are in a unique position to help parents to learn the truth about the pelvic floor and core, how to help them prepare their floor and core for birth, and then how to best recover and then restore strength and flexibility in the floor and core after the birth. As a doula and personal trainer with additional training in the core and floor Laura runs a course for doulas that gives them the tools to educate and support their clients to prepare, recover, and restore their floor and core through the perinatal period. She also runs a course and an app for those in the perinatal period. Both the course for doulas and for parents were designed and developed by a team of pelvic floor physical therapists, personal trainers, and doulas. More information is available at

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